our laundry area is located in the worse possible place in our whole house--in the mudroom, right off of the garage entrance. when we moved and discovered that we had made a HUGE mistake in putting the washer and dryer there, I knew I had to do laundry only a couple of days a week. if I didn't have a schedule, I would have laundry all over my hallway EVERY day of the week (it is bad enough just 2 days a week....)
it is funny though, that my children can NEVER remember to bring their laundry to the hallway.....someone is ALWAYS complaining that a certain thing didn't get washed. it's not going to get washed if you don't bring your laundry out! I've even heard the occasional, 'but you didn't remind me...'. um, sure.
then we always have the problem of the laundry going back where it came from. nothing is more irritating than to see them just pick what they need out of the mountain and leave the rest there. see my evidence....

so tell me....do you have certain days that you do laundry? do your kids do these same things?? :)
1 comment:
I only do laundry as needed, especially Tuesdays and Thursdays. Today I'm doing towels and the carseat cover :(
My kids are too young for those habits, but I'm trying to teach them to put clothes right into the hamper, not on their bedroom floor!
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