Our first giveaway will start today! All you have to do is leave a comment with your name and how you know me-Facebook, related, friend, etc.
This contest will be open until Friday, April 10th. Good Luck!
Oh, you want to know what you win? :) You win this:

with your choice of word! Now, go leave a comment and tell all your friends!
I'm your sister! (and frequent blog commenter)
I am a friend of the family. I love the necklace I won from card club!
I work with you at Hy-Vee.
I'm your blogger buddy!
Bevie said I'm so old I forget how I know you! Do I know you? Oh, I remember, I'm your favorite aunt!!!!
I have been commenting very regularly for ages now...I'm your friend on FB...I even commented on Ash's blog! Congrats on your new blog, it's gor-ge-ous!
mememe, pick me!!!
E ;)
You used to give me my medicine when I was growing up! I loved you cuz you always made me feel beter!
I have known you for YEARS at the HyVee Pharmacy!
I know you from kindergarten! : )
And Facebook now of course.
And who could forget our dance routine for the talent show? Xanadu....
Let's see...fellow facebooker, and friend from Church...who else puts up with my one loud kid, and one not so loud baby there! =)
Would you say we're related? Friend and through Facebook for sure. We reciprocate comments on our blogs. Thank goodness for blogs or none of us would know what's going on!
I've known you for years! Very cool stuff. (Cynthia)
I'm your daughter =)
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