Just to make this totally clear, we put all the names (except Ashton-heavens knows she has
plenty of OHD items!) in a Longaberger basket (only the best!) and John drew out a name. He didn't just choose, as I made it seem in the last post!
John chose the winner for this contest, so if you didn't win, it's all his fault!!! :) He asked me how I know Mandy. Well, I've known Mandy a long time! I know her from my job at the pharmacy. I still get to see her mom and dad on a regular basis and her youngest sister from time to time-like last week! They are a super nice family that I enjoy talking to very much!
Mandy, please email me (dukefans@mchsi.com) with your address and your choice of word. I am currently waiting for a supply of discs, so as soon as I get it, I'll get your necklace right out to you!
And for those of you
unlucky ones, there will be another contest in the near future, so keep checking back!