became this! :)

so very cool!!
so you want a tour of the rest of my 'studio'??
these are the 'curtains' that were the inspiration for my business cards and header..

the infamous chair....not at all comfortable now...

behind my table...big box has mailers in it, and the cart has all kinds of great, useful things....ha!

this box keeps my shipped orders and purchase receipts all in one handy dandy spot, just in case i want to get my tax 'stuff' together. just in case....

my work table...yes, i actually do know where everything is...

our electrician had the great idea of building this cool shelf in the wall when this was ashton's room. i am in the process of finding 'cool' stuff to put up here. suggestions??

usually, this isn't empty...

because it is tate's favorite place to be when i'm creating jewelry!

thanks for visiting!!